Sound Blaster became the number one selling add-on board for the PC market and tops the "hot list" of Ingram-Micro and Merisel, the two largest US software/hardware distributors.
Launched Sound Blaster®, a PC sound card featuring 11-voice FM synthesiser with text-to-speech, digitised voice input/output, MIDI/joystick port and bundled software.
Sim Wong Hoo, Creative Technology's founder, established business in USA and founded Creative Labs, Inc. in South San Francisco, California. Creative marketed its first product, Creative Music System, which was followed rapidly by the launch of Game Blaster, a full stereo sound board for the PC.
Introduced Creative Music System (C/MS), a 12-voice stereo music synthesiser card with a variety of music software to support the card: C/MS Composer, C/MS Intelligent Organ and C/MS Multimedia Presenter.
CUBIC CT, a multilingual, multimedia PC, was introduced into the Singapore market after only 6 months of design and development.